Precious Treasures         LP Thuad        Phra Somdej Toh        7 Days Buddha        Thai Amulets       Sak Yants   


LP Nai 


Acharn Kop (our tattoo master)




สักยันต์ - Sak Yant


Sak - meaning "to tap" or, "to tattoo", and Yant, meaning "Yantra". Originally derived from the Sanskrit word "YANTRA".

For hundreds of years, Thai and Khmer warriors where renowned and feared for the magical markings tattooed on their skin. These markings were a mix of Buddhist psalms and prayers, and shamanistic spells and sorcery that had survived the Religious transition from the pre-Buddhist, Hindu era and had been incorporated in the belief system of the newly born Buddhist countries. Since the days of King Nareswon, in the golden era of Ayuttaya, Thai soldiers not only sought protection in the power of Sak Yant and also the wearing and praying of amulets. In World World 2, Korean and Vietnam war, Thai soldiers were nicknamed “Taharn Phee” (ghost soldiers) by the allied forces because of their Sak Yant tattoos and amulets. Many Muay Thai Boxers (”Nak Muay”) seek the magical powers said to be afforded them by Sak Yant tattoos.

“Sak Yants the Thai name for the Tattooing of Sacred geometrical designs on the skin. Yant (or Yantra, as we call them in the west), are normally tattooed by Buddhist monks, or Brahmin Holy men . The Yant tattoos have developed over the centuries under the influence of several different things The Yantra designs that already existed in Hindu India were adapted by the Thais as Buddhism arrived from neighbouring India.”

Ladies Sak Yant tattoo are normally done in magicial oil (inkless), it will go away within a week time from naked eye. You will still received the same blessing from ink ones.

A Yant is a Sacred geometrical design that provide powers of protection and various blessings through Buddhist psalms and magical formulas. The Buddhist psalms written in Thai or Khmer script around the yant are know as “Khata”. A Khata is also known as “Mantra” in other meaning, the word Mantra is a Sanskrit word meaning “Prayer”.

A complete understanding will increase the effectiveness of the yant. The lines drawn in the Yant represent the Umbilical Cord of the Buddha, and are traditionally known as 'The Bones of the Yant'. There are many varied forms of Yantra, it appears, such as; Round Yant, Triangular Yant, Four - Sided Yant, and even Pictorial ones.

Round Yant - represents the Face of the Buddha (Pra Pakt Khong Pra Putta Jao) in Brahmin Tradition, Brahma is applied as the meaning.

Triangular Yant - represents the Triple Gem of the Buddha Dharma and Sangha (Pra Put, Pra Tamm, Pra Songk). In Brahmin Tradition the three Lords of Heaven are applied as the meaning (Shiva Brahma, Vishnu)

Four sided Yant - represents the Four Elements / Continents (Earth, Water, Air and Fire)

Pictorial Yant (Animalistic) - represents various Angels, People, and Mythical Animals (Sathw Himapant)

Onk Pra represents The Buddha Himself.

The Half Moon Symbol to be seen above "Onk Pra" so often represents the Moon Illuminating the way for us in the Dark Hours.

The small Circle (Sun Symbol) to be seen above many Yant means the Sun lighting outr way in the daytime; and that all Humans and Living beings exist under the influences of the stars and Planets, and that these forces enable us to develop and brings Changes.

The Zig - Zag spiral line on the top of each Yant is called Unaalome. Unaalome represents the Saints who have attained the status of Enlightened beings.The Fetters of desire have been disentangled and discarded. These beings do not waver on their path as normal Humans do (Note the end of the zig zag evolves into a straight line, meaning that he has ceased to enter into diversion and is on a straight, direct path to Nirvana. The spiral in the middle represents the Crown of the Head of the Buddha. The Line of the Unaalome is straigh and unwavering - Perfect and complete. Following this thought, when you have finished the drawing the "Bones" (outlines) of the Yant and finished all Khom letterings. The Yant should be Finished with the drawing of Unaalome above the Yant - meaning that the Yant is now Complete. All Yant are usually completed with the invocation of a Mantra (Pra Kataa) in Pali sanskrit, which is subsequently blown into the yant with your breath (Called Phao kataa / Puug Saeg). Most Pra Kataa finish with the Phrase / Spell "Ma A U".

Common Designs to be seen often tattooed on the back are:
Yant Sarigaa Kuu (lovebirds pair)
Yant Paed Tidt (eight directional yant)
Yant Moo Tong Daeng (copper pig - wild boar)
Yant Hanuman (Monkey general)
Yant Ngop Nam Oy (Round Compassion yantra for shoulder blades)
Yant Maha Ud (square or triangular Gunstopper Yant)
Yant Suea Paen (leaping Tiger)
Yant Hongs/Hongsa (Peacock)
Yant Mae Tap (Guardian Yant - small pyramid-like design for the lower spine)
Yant Puttsoorn (five buddhas concentric lettering yant - a favourite of HP Phern)

There are different rules of abstention for sak yant tattoos depending on which master.The list of different rules acording to each master will be documented below and updated as new info from newly found sak yant masters comes in Wat bang Pra rules.

1. Do not eat Star fruit, Pumpkin, or any other 'Gourd' type Vegetable.
2. Do not be anybodys Lover who is already married.
3. FORBIDDEN in Extreme, to slander anybody's Mother (this means most women, if you think about it).
4. Do not eat food from a Wedding, or Funeral banquet.
5. Do not eat left-overs.
6. Do not duck under a washing line, or an overhanging building.
7. Do not duck under a banana tree of the type Thaanii (classed as important to avoid).
8. Do not cross a single head bridge; large or small bridges are not forbidden .
9. Do not sit on a ceramic urn (Common in Thailand), especially a cracked, or broken one.
10. Do not let a woman lie on top of you, or sit on top either.
11. Do not permit a man to be brushed by the blouse or skirt of a woman, or crossed in front of; especially during the menstruative period.

12. Do not speak inauspiciously to or of your; Mother , Father or master (Kroo).

13. Do not commit evil deeds.

14. Devotees of the same master are forbidden to fight or compete with each other - they should consider each other members of the same family and cherish each other.

15. Do not drink alcohol or take drugs.

16. Do not make special claims of having protective powers because of your yant or amulets.

17. Do not think that the power of the yant will protect you if you intend to use those powers for bad deeds.

**above rules are for guidelines only**

as we know that it is kind of difficult to follow every step of the rules in modern life but atleast we will try.


Maha Ud 


Maha Siri Mon Gol 



For A Wut 


Hanuman Thua 




Yant Jet Yord means Seven peaks or spires (or tops). This Yant looks of course, similar to Gao Yord (nine spires). The Khata says(from bottom to top line per line in left to right direction)
A Sang Wi Su Loe Bu Sa Pu Pa, Sang Wis Su Loe Bu Sa, Na Moe Put Taa Ya, Ma A U, A. 






Yant Paed Tidt represent the 8 directions of the Universe and has a khata to protect you in each direction you may travel in.

The Kata is written in a circle arond the centre of the Yant,and reads as follows;
 I Ra Chaa Ka Tha Ra Saa,  Thi Hang Ja Thoe Roe Ti Nang
 Bi Sam Ra Loe Bu Sath Put,  Soe Maa Na Ga Ri Taa Toe
 Pa Sam Sam Wich Sa Tae Pa,  Ka Put Ban Tuu Tam Wa Ka
 Waa Toe Noe A Ma Ma Waa,  A Wich Su Nuch Saa Nuth Thi  




Yant Yord Mongut - Supreme Crown Yantra ยันต์ยอดมงกุฎ is a version of Yant Mongkut Praputtajao (Buddhas Crown) This Yant was commonly inscribed on both the in and outsides of a headscarf, and worn for protection in battle, also supposed to have good fortune qualities (Choke Laap) and Maettha.The Yant with the lotus leaves on the perimeter is the front side. The other one below is the back side 



Yant Gao Yord

The khata says;  Gu Ti Gu Ya Ta Saa Wae Taa Saa Gu

like this;

Gu Gu

Ti Gu Gu Ti

Ya Dta Saa Saa Dta Ya

Wae Taa Saa Gu Gu Saa Taa Wae

The two squares can be or not be tattooed (usually not) one on left is called “Hnun Tat See (4 elements);

Na Ma Na A Nor Gor Na Ga Gor Or Nor A na A Ga Ang

The square on the right is called "Hua Jai Suea" - Tiger Heart mantra;

Gu Ru Su Gu, Ru Su Gu Ru, Su Gu Gu Ru, Gu Gu Ru Su

Here is the chanting Khata for wearers of Gao Yord;

A Pa Sang Pu Wi Sa Su Bpu Loe A Sang Wi Su Loe Bu Sa Pu Pa Sang Wi Su Loe A Bpu Sa Pu Wi Sa Loe A Bpu Sa Loe Bpu Loe Na Pid Pid Ubpad Na Ya Mi I Sa Put Toe Na Moe Puttaaya Na Ma Pa Ta Ma Pa Ta Na Pa Ta Na Ma Ta Na Ma Pa



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